How to Avoid a Blowout from Low Tire Pressure: Expert Tips

No one wants to experience a tire blowout while driving. Not only is it dangerous, but it can also be costly to replace a blown-out tire. But what causes tire blowouts? Can low tire pressure cause a blowout? Or is it always due to hitting something on the road?

There are basically several reasons why tires can blow out while driving. But one of the most common causes is low tire pressure. You might not think that your tire pressure is low, but if it’s just a few PSI below the recommended level, it can cause a blowout. How and why? Find out below.

What Causes a Tire Blowout?

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<h2><strong>What Causes a Tire Blowout?</strong></h2>
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You might ask if can low tire pressure cause a blowout or if a blowout can happen without any warning. The answer is yes, but before a tire can cause a blowout, there are usually already some warning signs that you can watch out for. Here are some of the most common causes of tire blowouts:

➣Underinflated Tires

The most common cause of tire blowouts is underinflation or low tire pressure. When a tire is not inflated properly, it can cause the sidewalls to flex too much. And when the sidewalls flex too much, it can cause the tread to separate from the tire. Once the tread starts to separate, it can cause a blowout.


Another common cause of tire blowouts is punctures. If you hit a sharp object on the road, it can cause a puncture in your tire. And if the puncture is big enough, it can also cause a blowout. Some punctures can be repaired, but if the puncture is big or located in the tire’s sidewall, it’s best to just replace the tire.

➣Wear and Tear

Another cause of tire blowouts is simply wear and tear. Over time, your tires will start to show signs of wear and tear. And if you don’t replace them when they’re supposed to be replaced, it can also lead to a blowout.


If you overload your car or truck, it can also cause a tire blowout. When you overload your vehicle, it puts too much weight on the tires. And when the tires can’t handle the weight, it can cause a blowout.

Road Hazards

One more cause of tire blowouts is road hazards. If you hit a pothole or something else on the road, it can cause a blowout. That’s why it’s always important to be aware of your surroundings and avoid any potential road hazards.

Importance of Tire Pressure

Now that you know if can low tire pressure cause a blowout, let’s discuss the importance of tire pressure. Knowing this can help you avoid a blowout in the first place. So why do you need to maintain the right tire pressure?

Your car tires are constantly carrying the entire weight of your vehicle. That’s a lot of pressure! If the tire can’t handle that much pressure, it can cause problems. For instance, if the tire is underinflated, it will heat up more quickly while driving, causing the tire tread to wear down faster.

On the other hand, if the tire is inflated too much, it can also cause problems. The sidewalls can be overstretched, making the tire more vulnerable to punctures. And if the tire is already damaged, an overinflated tire can cause unwanted incidents, leaving you in the middle of nowhere with a flat tire.

How to Check Tire Pressure

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<h2><strong>How to Check Tire Pressure</strong></h2>
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Knowing the importance of tire pressure alone is not enough. You have to learn how to check it as well. After all, you can’t avoid a tire blowout if you don’t even know that your tire pressure is low. Well, there are two ways to check your tire pressure.


The first way is to do it manually. You can use a tire pressure gauge for this. All you have to do is remove the tire cap and press the gauge firmly onto the valve stem. Ensure that you get an accurate reading by checking all four tires (including the spare).

If the tire pressure is low, add air until it reaches the recommended PSI. On the other hand, if it’s too high, let some air out until it reaches the right level.

2️⃣Tire Pressure Monitoring System

The second way to check your tire pressure is by getting a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). It is an electronic system that monitors your tire pressure and alerts you when it’s low. With this system, you don’t have to manually check your tire pressure all the time because the TPMS will do it for you.

TPMS can either be mechanical or electronic. The former uses a physical sensor mounted on each tire and wheel assembly. It monitors the air pressure and sends a signal to the receiver when the pressure is low. The latter, on the other hand, uses electronic sensors to do the same thing.

Signs of Low Tire Pressure

Before your tires can cause a blowout, they will first show some signs that they are already low on air. If you know these signs, you can take action right away and avoid a blowout. Take note of the following:

◼Uneven Tire Tread Wear

When your tires are low on air, they will start to show uneven tread wear. It means that the center of the tire tread will be worn down first, while the edges will still look good.

◼Low Fuel Efficiency

If you notice that your car’s fuel efficiency has decreased, it can signify low tire pressure. You might not know but when the tire is not inflated properly, it will cause your car to work harder, which in turn will use up more fuel.

◼Squealing Noises

Another sign of low tire pressure is squealing noises coming from the tires. It can be caused by the tire treads rapidly hitting the road surface, creating friction and heat.

◼Pulling to One Side

When the tire pressure is low, your car will start to pull to one side while driving. And that can be dangerous because it can cause you to lose control of your vehicle.

◼Vibrations in the Steering Wheel

Feeling a vibration in the steering wheel can also signify low tire pressure. It can be caused by the tires not being able to grip the road properly.

◼Soft Feeling When Driving Over Bumps

If you feel like your car is bouncing more than usual when driving over bumps, it can be a sign that your tires are low on air. It might not seem like a big deal, but it can be a sign of an underlying problem.

◼Difficulty Steering

A low tire can also make it difficult to steer your car as it can reduce the contact patch between the tire and the road. It can be dangerous, especially if you’re driving at high speeds.

◼Prolonged Braking Distance

If you notice that your car is taking longer to stop, it can signify low tire pressure. That’s because when the tires can’t grip the road properly, it will take longer for your car to come to a stop.

The Dangers of a Tire Blowout

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<h2 class="has-text-align-center"><strong>The Dangers of a Tire Blowout</strong></h2>
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You might not take low tire pressure seriously, but it can lead to a tire blowout. And a tire blowout can be dangerous as it can cause you to lose control of your car. It can result to:


One of the most obvious dangers of a tire blowout is an accident. When you have a blowout, you can lose control of your car and crash into another vehicle or object. And that can cause serious injuries or even death.

❌Damage to Your Car

A tire blowout can also damage your car. If the blowout happens while you’re driving, it can cause the wheel to come off, and that can do serious damage to your car. It will not only be expensive to fix, but it can also be dangerous.


A tire blowout can also be a major inconvenience, especially if you’re driving long distances. It can force you to stop and change the tire, which can delay your journey.

How To Tell When It’s Time To Replace Your Tires

How To Tell When It's Time To Replace Your Tires

Tires are an important part of your car, and they need to be in good condition to keep you safe on the road. But how can you tell when it’s time to replace them? Here are some signs that it might be time to get new tires:

  • Your tires are more than six years old.
  • You can see cracks or bulges on the tires.
  • The tread depth is less than 1/16 of an inch.
  • There is excessive tread wear.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to replace your tires. You can either buy new ones or get your old ones retreaded. Either way, make sure that you get quality tires to keep you safe on the road.

How To Install a New Car Tire

How To Install a New Car Tire

If you’re not familiar with how to install a new car tire, don’t worry, it’s not difficult. You can either take it to a professional or do it yourself. If you’re going to do it yourself, here’s what you need to do:

1️⃣Loosen the Lug Nuts With a Wrench

The first step is to loosen the lug nuts with a wrench. You can do this by turning the wrench counterclockwise. But don’t remove the lug nuts completely. Just loosen them so that you can remove them easily later.

2️⃣Raise the Car With a Jack

The next step is to raise the car with a jack. Place the jack under the car and raise it until the tire is off the ground. That way, you can easily remove the tire without risking it falling on you.

3️⃣Remove the Lug Nuts and the Old Tire

Once the car is raised, remove the lug nuts and the old tire. Take the new tire and line up the holes with the bolts on the wheel. Make sure that the tire is facing the right way before you start screwing it on.

4️⃣Screw on the New Tire

Now it’s time to screw on the new tire. Place the lug nuts back on and tighten them by hand. Once all the lug nuts are in place, use the wrench to tighten them further. But don’t overtighten them as that can seriously damage the wheel.

5️⃣Clean the Wheel Rim

After you’ve installed the new tire, it’s important to clean the wheel rim. You can do this with a brush or a cloth. That way, you can remove any dirt or debris that might have gotten onto the rim.

6️⃣Check the Tire Pressure

Then, check the tire pressure to ensure that it’s at the correct level. You can find the right pressure in the owner’s manual or on the sticker inside the driver’s door. And if the tire pressure is low, use a pump to fill it up. Just make sure not to overinflate the tire.

7️⃣Test the Tire

Once you’ve installed the new tire and checked the pressure, it’s time to test it. Drive around for a while and see how the new tire feels. If everything feels normal, then you’re good to go.

Car Tire Lifespan

Tires are an important part of your car, and they need to be replaced from time to time. But how often should you replace them? The answer depends on the type of tire and how you use your car.

Here are some general guidelines for how often to replace your tires:

All-season tires: every 25,000 miles

Summer tires: every 10,000 miles

Winter tires: every 5,000 miles

These are just general guidelines, and you might need to replace your tires more often if you use your car frequently or drive on rough roads. If you’re not sure how often to replace your tires, consult a professional.

Qualities of a Good Tire

Qualities of a Good Tire

When you’re shopping for new tires, it’s important to get ones of good quality. That way, you can be sure that they’ll last a long time and keep you safe on the road. Here are some things to look for in a good tire:

✔High Tread Wear Rating

Before you buy a tire, check the treadwear rating. It is a number that indicates how long the tire will last. The higher the number, the longer the tire will last. So, if you want a tire that will last a long time, get one with a high treadwear rating.

✔Good Grip

Another important thing to look for in a tire is a good grip. That way, you can ensure that the tire will hold onto the road and provide good traction. You can check the grip by doing a simple test. Just put your hand on the tire and try to push it. If it’s easy to push, the tire doesn’t have a good grip.

✔High-Speed Rating

If you like to drive fast, you need a tire with a high-speed rating. That way, you can ensure that the tire can handle the high speeds. You can find the speed rating on the side of the tire or in the owner’s manual.

✔Low Noise Level

Another factor to consider is the noise level. Some tires are designed to be quiet, while others can be quite loud. If you’re a driver who likes to listen to music while you drive, then you might want a tire with a low noise level. It will make your driving experience more enjoyable.

Tips for Keeping Your Tires in Good Condition

Car tires are just like any other type of tire; they need to be properly maintained to stay in good condition. They can last for years if you take care of them, but if you don’t, they can wear out quickly. Here are some tips for keeping your tires in good condition:

Keep Them Clean

One of the best things you can do for your tires is to keep them clean. That way, they can last longer and perform better. You can clean your tires with a brush or a cloth. Just be sure to remove any dirt or debris that might be on them.

Check the Pressure

Another important thing to do is to check the tire pressure. It’s important to keep the pressure at the correct level as it can affect the performance of the tire. If you’re not sure what the correct level is, you can find it in the owner’s manual or on the sticker inside the driver’s door.

Test Them Regularly

It’s also a good idea to test your tires regularly. It can help you spot any problems early on so that you can fix them before they become a bigger issue. You can test your tires by driving around and seeing how they feel. If you notice any problems, be sure to take them to a professional to have them checked out.

Rotate Them Regularly

Another way to keep your tires in good condition is to rotate them regularly. That way, they can wear evenly and last longer. You can rotate your tires yourself or take them to a professional.

?Get Them Balanced

If you notice that your tires are wearing unevenly, it might be because they’re not balanced. That means the weight of the tire is not distributed evenly. To fix this, you can take them to a professional and have them balanced.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I replace my tires?

It depends on the type of tire and how often you use them. Some tires can last for years, while others might need to be replaced after a few months. Consult a professional to be sure.

2. How much does it cost to replace a tire?

The answer depends on how big the tire is and the type of tire. A small tire might cost around $30, while a large one can be upwards of $200. So the bigger the vehicle, the more expensive the tires will be.

3. What’s the best way to avoid a blowout?

The best way to avoid a blowout is to ensure that your tires are properly inflated and in good condition. Also, be sure to check the pressure regularly and get them replaced when they start to wear down.

4. What causes punctures?

Punctures can be caused by things like nails, glass, or other sharp objects. They can also be caused by driving on rough roads. If you suspect that you have a puncture, take your vehicle to a professional to have it checked out.

5. What is the difference between a tire and a wheel?

A tire is the rubber part that goes around the wheel. A wheel is the metal part that the tire is attached. Both are necessary for a vehicle to function.

6. Will overinflated tires wear out faster?

Yes, overinflated tires can wear out faster. That’s because they don’t have as much contact with the ground, so they can’t grip as well. It can cause them to slip and skid. It’s important to keep your tires inflated at the correct level to avoid this.

7. What is the best way to store tires?

The best way to store tires is in a cool, dry place. That way, they can last longer and perform better. You can also keep them in a garage or shed. Just be sure to keep them out of direct sunlight.

8. What should I do if I get a flat tire?

If you get a flat tire, the first thing you should do is pull over to the side of the road. Then, you can use a jack to lift the vehicle up and remove the tire. Once the tire is off, you can put on a spare. If you don’t have a spare, you can call a tow truck.

9. What are the consequences of driving on a flat tire?

Driving on a flat tire will damage the wheel and the tire. It can also cause the vehicle to lose control. If you have a flat tire, it’s important to pull over and fix it as soon as possible.

10. How can I tell if my tire is bald?

If you can see the metal wires inside the tire, it means the tread is worn down, and the tire is bald. This can be dangerous because it can cause the tire to blow out. It’s important to replace bald tires as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts

Being anxious about a potential blowout can be nerve-wracking, but if you take the proper precautions, you can avoid one. So be sure to check your car’s tire pressure regularly and get them replaced when they start to wear down. And if you’re ever in doubt, consult a professional. They can help you make sure your tires are in good condition and can offer advice on how to avoid a blowout. For more informational blogs like this, take a visit here.

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