The Definitive Guide to Bushcraft Online Courses: Is It Worth the Investment?

Bushcrafting is a set of wilderness survival skills that can come in handy in many situations, whether you’re camping in the woods, hiking a long trail, or facing an emergency.

While learning these skills in person through a bushcrafting course can be a great way to acquire hands-on experience, not everyone has the time, resources, or opportunities to attend an in-person course.

Fortunately, online bushcrafting courses offer a convenient and affordable way to learn these skills from the comfort of your home. In this guide, we’ll provide a definitive guide to bushcraft online courses, including their advantages, disadvantages, and what to look for in a quality course.

Are Survival Courses Worth It?

A survival course’s value is dependent on various factors, such as your level of experience, your goals and objectives for taking the course, your budget, and the quality and content of the course.

Survival courses can provide advantageous knowledge and skills on how to survive in various challenging situations, such as extreme weather, wilderness emergencies, and natural disasters. They can also teach you how to navigate, find shelter and water, and start a fire, among other useful skills. This is useful if you’re new to bushcraft since you will receive hands-on experience, which will build your confidence and your ability to handle unexpected situations.

Nevertheless, it’s important to note that not all survival courses are created equally, and some may be more comprehensive and useful than others. Therefore, it is important to analyze what each course will cover and match that against your goals and needs. If you have prior experience in bushcrafting or other survival skills, you may not find much benefit in taking such a course.

Additionally, survival courses can be expensive as you may need to travel to the course location or invest in specialized gear and equipment to complete your training. This may be problematic if you have limited funds. As a result, it is important to weigh up the course’s value in line with your personal circumstances.

Online Bushcraft Courses

Online Bushcraft Courses: Pros and Cons

Pros of an Online Bushcraft Course

An advantage of online bushcraft courses is that they’re more accessible than in-person courses since they can be accessed from anywhere with a stable internet connection. This allows people who face geographical or physical limitations to participate and learn bushcraft skills. For instance, those living in cities without access to wilderness areas can still learn and practice bushcraft skills in their local park or backyard.

Another advantage is that online bushcraft courses are more affordable than in-person courses due to their lack of physical classroom space, equipment, or materials. This cost-effectiveness makes them more accessible to individuals who may not have the financial resources to attend an in-person course. Flexible scheduling options also let you save money on travel and accommodation costs, making online courses a practical choice for learning bushcraft.

Furthermore, online bushcraft courses offer flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace and schedule. Course materials and lectures are available anytime and anywhere with an internet connection, making it convenient for busy individuals or those with other commitments that prevent them from attending in-person courses.

Compared to in-person courses, online bushcraft courses also have flexible deadlines for assignments and assessments, enabling you to manage your coursework alongside other responsibilities. You can also look back at previous course materials and lectures whenever you need to. The flexibility of online courses makes it easier for you to integrate learning into your life and accomplish your goals.

Cons of an Online Bushcraft Course

Nevertheless, online bushcraft courses have some limitations. One disadvantage is the limited hands-on experience, which is necessary for developing proficiency and confidence as a bushcrafter. Although online courses provide theory and demonstrations, that cannot replace the actual experience of practicing bushcraft skills in the wilderness.

Certain skills that require physical manipulation of tools or materials may also be more challenging to learn online. Therefore, students should supplement their online learning with practical experience to fully develop their skills.

Furthermore, online bushcraft courses may provide less interaction with instructors and fellow students, which can limit the opportunity for real-time feedback, collaboration, and learning from others’ experiences.

Technical issues are another potential disadvantage of online bushcraft courses. Poor internet connection, device malfunctions, and software bugs can interrupt learning and communication with instructors and other students. These issues can lead to frustration and take away from valuable learning time.

Online bushcraft courses can also be challenging for some students due to the need for self-discipline. Without the structure and accountability of traditional teaching environments, students must be self-motivated and committed to learning. This can be difficult for some students, leading to a lack of focus and missed deadlines. The absence of a set schedule can also make it harder to balance coursework with other responsibilities.

How to Choose an Online Bushcraft Course

How to Choose an Online Bushcraft Course

To choose the right online bushcraft course, it’s important to consider various factors, including your goals. Knowing what skills you want to achieve can help you select a course suited to your interests. If you want to learn basic survival skills, you should look for a course that covers those skills—whereas if you want to specialize in a particular area, such as bow-making or fire-starting, you should choose a course that focuses on that topic. This can help you make an informed decision and find a course that provides good value for money.

Researching an online bushcraft course can also help you determine the course content, delivery method, duration, format, and requirements, such as equipment and prerequisites. The content concerns what you will learn, the delivery method affects how you learn it, and duration concerns the amount of time you will spend learning. Picking a course that matches your learning needs and preferences is crucial for a positive and effective experience.

When selecting a bushcraft course, it’s also important to consider the credentials of the instructor. An instructor’s credentials indicate their level of expertise, qualifications, and experience in bushcraft and wilderness skills. This information is essential for ensuring a safe and high-quality learning experience. An experienced and qualified instructor can teach you bushcraft skills safely, provide in-depth content, and lend credibility to the course and the accrediting organization.

Cost is another important factor when choosing a bushcraft course because it affects both your budget and the value you receive from the course. A course that fits within your budget is essential to avoid financial strain. However, it’s also important to consider the quality of the course; a lower-priced course may not provide the same quality of instruction or course content as a more expensive one.

In addition, you should remember to factor in any additional costs associated with attending the course, such as buying equipment. Compare the cost and value of different courses to find the one that best meets your needs and budget.


Ultimately, whether survival courses are worth taking or not depends on several factors such as your experience, goals, budget, and the quality of the course. Survival courses can provide valuable knowledge and skills on how to survive in challenging situations—but not all courses are created equal, and some may be more comprehensive and effective than others.

Online bushcraft courses offer an accessible and affordable alternative to in-person courses, but they have limitations when it comes to hands-on experience and interaction with instructors and peers.

Choosing the right online bushcraft course involves considering factors such as goals, content, delivery, duration, and the instructor’s credentials. To fully develop their skills, students should supplement their online learning with practical experience in the wilderness.

To sum up, how you decide whether to take an online bushcraft course should be based on a thorough assessment of your resources, preferences, and goals.

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